Thursday, 29 May 2014

Apparatus Kwd yingdi

Kwd yingdi KWD Yingdi merupakan alat terapi akupuntur gelombang elektro yang multifungsi kegunaanya.  

 Di buat dengan menggabungkan pengetahuan kedokteran akupuntur timur tengah,teknik akupuntur tradisional china dan ilmu pengetahuan teknologi tentang gelombang elektro.                

Alat ini mudah di gunakan dan tidak mengandung efek samping dalam pengobatannya.                    

KWD yingdi sudah terkenal dan telah dijual ke berbagai Negara di antaranya Amerika Serikat,Prancis,Canada, Spanyol,Italia,Inggris,Australia,Indonesia,Thailand,Vietnam,dan lain lain.   

 Prinsip Terapi alat ini adalah Menggunakan gelombang frekwensi yg rendah untuk menstimulasi titik akupuntur tubuh,dengan mengatur ion tubuh dan syaraf otot, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah,mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan system pertahanan tubuh.                

 fitur Alat ini sangat aman dan efisien dalam penggunaanya karena menggunakan gelombang elektro yang lemah dan sesuai dengan gelombang frekwensi tubuh.

Memberikan 5 pilihan tipe gelombang elektro:continous wave,dense-disperse wave,intermittent wave,ripple wave,respiration wave.

Dapat mengkombinasikan 6 jenis gelombang elektro secara bersamaan atau terpisah.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

SDZ V hwatoo

merupakan stimulator syaraf dan otot yang mengkombinasikan teknik micro computer ,teknik kuno akupuntur china dan timur tengah berdasarkan instrument pengobatan akupuntur tradisional. Alat ini menggunakan gelombang elektro untuk menstimulasi titik akupuntur tubuh manusia dalam mengatasi sakit dan sebagainya.

These models are professional model of acupuncture apparatus, having a very nice and modern design. They are used in homes, clinics and hospitals for detection anf treatment of acupuncture points, massage(TENS), acupuncture(electro-needle therapy) and magneto-therapy. These units are equipped with built-in timer and can perform 5 different kinds of waveform and each waveform is indicated by a symbol which lights up when selected.

The  has proved itself to have remarkable curative effect on the body, motion system, nervous system, and nearly a 100 kinds of diseases. It is particularly suitable for pain killing and weight reduction of persons with calculi disease.

This device model has had more than 2 decades of excellent history

In recent years, the  device has built an excellent reputation. It won Golden Prize in the International Medical Instrument Technical Fair . It again won a Golden Prize in the International Fair in Beijin. Particularly useful in the growing demand for natural non-invasive, no-drugs treatments, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine accredited by many doctors. It is welcomed and prized in a wide range of countries: America, France, Singapore, Germany, Italy, Asia, South Africa. The KWD-808 Multi Purpose Health Device is capable of performing a number of therapies such as needless acupuncture, electro-needle acupuncture, pulse-electro-magnetic therapy, etc...

  • Adjustable Frequency and Intensity
  • Adjustable Sensitivity probe-Point Locator
  • Build-in Timer
  • Five Buttons Wave Form Selection
  • Frequency Indicator Green Led Light
  • Power Green Led Light
  • DC 9V (1.5x6) Size CR14 UM2 Battery
  • Provide electro-needle therapy
  • Alternative to Hand Massage
  • Musical timing switch for medical treatment
  • Operating Output Protection Device
  • Provide needless acupuncture-pulse electric therapy
  • Assisting to Detect Acupoints
  • Multi-Purpose Health Device
Acupuncture Stimulator - KWD808
Acupuncture Stimulator - KWD808-I / KWD808-IIThe device is very safe, due to its low voltage output, low frequency and emission of frequency equal to that of the human body.
There are five types of pulse waves to be selected:
  1. Continuous wave
  2. Dense-disperse wave
  3. Intermittent wave
  4. Ripple wave
  5. Respiration wave
Acupuncture Stimulator - KWD808-I / KWD808-II
Six kinds of wave combinations may be used at the same time or separately, and the output of each one may be regulated independently. In order to increase its effect, combine two or more outputs.

1. Continuous Wave:

Pulse duration r=(0.5 +/- 0.15)ms;
Repeated pulse frequency: f1=( 1+/- 0.5 ) Hz to
( 100 +/- 10) Hz. and FREQ1 can be regulated continuously, 
Max Output pulse amplitude: 40V +/- 10V (Load 500 O.)

Acupuncture Stimulator - KWD808-I / KWD808-II

2. Dense-disperse Wave:

Dense and disperse waves display alternatively
Disperse frequency is f1, same with base wave; 
Dense frequency is about 100Hz;
Pulse duration is 0.5ms; 
FREQ2 regulates the frequency f2 of (10 +/- 3) cycles per min to (50=/- 10) cycles per min
Max Output pulse amplitude: 40V +/- 10V (Load 500 O.)

3. Intermittent Wave:

Pulse shows at regular interval at the same frequency as above

kwd4. Ripple Wave:

Its amplitude increases to maximum and drops to zero suddenly, repeating the process.
The frequency: (10 +/- 3) cycles /min to (50 +/- 10) Cycles/min.
The Max output plus amplitude range is over 5V to 30V
( load 500O )

kwd5. Respiration Wave:

Its amplitude increases first, then drops quickly to zero, repeating the process.
At 1kO load Vp3=24V, other pulse data are same as above.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Sammora cuppingset

Sammora | Hansol premium cupping set x19  (red box) 
Lancing sammora gold
Lancet 21g 
For wet cupping. 

for Slimming, Vacuum massage and Acupuncture/ Homeopathic remed.     W           1. What is
Cupping Set?
This is easy to use for anyone and special therapeutics which are belong to Cupping has character of nature as it is. Through unique purification of blood function, its value is elevated as days go by improving the circulation of the blood but also showing the fundamentally marvelous effect of improvement of physical strength.

2. What is the Cupping Treatment?
      We, who lives on the modern times, are badly off by various illness which are made by stress and pollution those come from super nutrition, over application of drugs, insufficiency of quantity of motion and environment and don't make metabolism smooth.

Untill now, we treat illness of human body by positive(+) treatment like drugs and injections, acupuncture etc, but various chronic diseases which are difficult to treat only by using them are gradually increased.

However, not to Cupping-treatment which are used broadly from ancient times is ideal treatment by making skin surface maintain the vacuum state, then by using a principal (exchanging gases in the lugs then cleaning the bloods), and strengthen the skin-breath and bad-bloods (waste material, choles, toxin in body) by using power of vacuum, and purifies the bloods.